Evil Corporations and Corrupt Billionaires, Beware! In the Age of Transparency, also known as The Great Disruption. Many document leaks have taken place, and more are expected, with particularly shocking data. The public has now become way moree savvy about information tools. This nexus of factors has created a new reality. As billionaires and super-corporations become more prolific, their hubris, tone-deafness, and egotistic excesses seem to increase. In this new age of equal access to all information, every member of the public now has access to the same investigation resources that the FBI and CIA have. Over 2000 online service providers will track down any crime, at any corporation or in any billionaies portfolio. You can, now, easily, hunt down the hookers, criminal expense accounts, tax evasion shelters, abuse of funds, insider trading, political bribes, mistresses, and other corporate mis-deeds of each and every executive at a company. The lesson to the wise: If you are a cocky billionaire, or corporation, one week; you can now be an out-of-business corporation, or billionaire, the next week. Be honest, legal and moral and you won't get the axe. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE AND COMPANIES THAT SUDDENLY VANISHED IN SCANDAL BILL COSBY FOREX SOLYNDRA ABOUND SOLAR A123 ENERDEL AMY PASCAL E.F.HUTTON RADIO SHACK ENRON MCI WORLDCOM EASTERN AIRLINES STANDARD OIL ARTHUR ANDERSON DELOREAN PETS.COM BEAR STEARNS BEATRICE FOODS HEALTHSOUTH ALLEN STANFORD TYCO LANCE ARMSTRONG PARMALAT BANINTER HSBC GLOBAL CROSSING LTD. HIH INSURANCE IMCLONE DEUTSCHE BANK SPY CASE URBAN BANK JEROME KERVIEL BARCLAYS BANK BRE-X FISKER BARINGS BANK PATRICIA DUNN SIEMENS AG PETROBAS FERNANDO MARCOS KELLOG BROWN AND ROOT BAE SYSTEMS KERRY KHAN ALCATEL-LUCENT SA PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON